Collection: Balance Bikes & Tricycles

Encourage Active Play with Balance Bikes & Tricycles

Balance bikes and tricycles are perfect for helping children develop coordination and confidence while having fun. These sturdy, easy-to-ride options support balance and motor skills, preparing little ones for their first pedal bike. With adjustable features and durable construction, they grow alongside your child, providing long-lasting value. Available in a variety of styles and colours, balance bikes and tricycles make outdoor playtime exciting and safe. Ideal for budding cyclists and designed for ultimate enjoyment!

0% Interest Finance available for purchases between £30 and £7,500. Pay over 6 weeks to 12 months. Subject to status & eligibility. Read more

  • Onsite Café

    Take the weight off your feet and relax in one of our onsite cafés serving food and drink made from quality ingredients, available all day long.

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  • Reward Card

    Loyalty gets rewarded! Sign up to our Reward app to receive treats, special discounts and offers throughout the year when you download our app.

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  • Grown By Us

    We are proud to say that a large selection of our plants have been grown by us and nurtured in our very own nurseries - to be loved by you

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  • Value Our Planet

    As a responsible retailer, our mission is to ensure our business and communities work together making changes for a world of difference.

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  • Events

    Find out more about the fun upcoming events we have taking place at Cherry Lane garden centre; including creative workshops, talks, masterclasses and children’s activities.

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  • Garden Tots Play Area

    Our soft play areas are a great place to let your little ones let off some steam. Why not enjoy the break and unwind with a drink from the cafe? At selected garden centres only.

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  • Garden Centre Finder

    With horticulture at the heart of our business, we have experts on hand to offer advice and plenty of green fingered tips to get you growing! With new offers every week why not come and visit us today.

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  • Dog Friendly

    As a dog friendly garden centre you are welcome to bring them along too. Well behaved dogs are permitted in-store and in the dog friendly areas of our cafés with pet drinking stations also.

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