Cute hamster curled up asleep with Scallywags Pet of the Month logo

Scallywags Pet Of The Month - March

Our March Pet of the Month for Scallywags is Oreo!


Here at Scallywags, we adore all creatures great and small, so we have decided to share some of our special friends with you. Every month we will be telling you about one of our special pets and sharing some very cute photographs with you. Let me introduce you to the gorgeous Oreo.


russian dwarf hamster staring at the camera with half open eyes

Good morning, Oreo, I'm sorry to have woken you.

Good morning. I do not like the mornings.

Well, I can agree with you there! Do you mind if I ask you a few questions so I can tell our lovely customers all about you?

Okay. (Oreo yawns). I has time.

Grey dwarf hamster crawling on yellow fleece throw


Brilliant, thank you. Now, your mum tells me there are lots of different types of hamsters, and that you are a Russian Dwarf Hamster, is that right?

Da. Ah, and bilingual too, very nice. How old are you now Oreo?

I will be six months on the 4th of March. I has big plans to celebrate.

Oo, that sounds exciting, what are you planning?

A nap.

Russian dwarf hamster asleep in wood shavings and bedding


Oh. Sounds perfect! Now, what else do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to sneak around. I am a sneaky boy. I quite like cuddles with mum and dad, but I has to nibble them a little so that they know I is boss. But if they is nice, then I give them little licks. And then I sneak some more.

Perhaps you should have trained as a ninja?

Yes, this is what I keep saying!

Grey dwarf hamster in a special home with plants

I can see you have a very lovely home there, have you got any special toys?

Yes. I get bored very quickly, so mum and dad buy me lots of different toys. I love my wheel the bestest, it keeps me in good shape, and I am so fast. Look! (Oreo runs to his wheel and shows me his best running)

Russian dwarf hamster running in a hamster wheel


See? So fast!

You almost became a blur! Colour me impressed.

Thank you.

Do you ever get in trouble for being a tinker?

Yes, Mummy calls me a "little monkey" when I mess up my room. She likes to tidy it up but I has a special way I like things. So I put them back.

Well, we all have our naughty habits. How about when you are being good? What do you get called then?

I am called "little man". But I am not a little man. I am a hamster.

That's true. So, is your mum your best friend?

No, I love my mum, but my dad is my best friend. He gives me the most snacks.

Snacks are the easiest way to the heart. What is your favourite snack?


Grey dwarf hamster eating food out of the bowl


I can relate to that! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today, Oreo, I have really enjoyed getting to know you better. No problem at all. Just before I go, I have one last very important question for you. Go on. Are you a good boy?

(pause) I would say half and half.

A signature of the name Oreo with little hamster pawprints
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