The Health Benefits of House Plants
Indoor plants are not only great for brightening up any room, but they have some incredible health benefits that can impact your psychological and physical health for the greater good!
No only do house plants help absorb carbon dioxide and helps keep oxygen flowing but it’s been proven that people feel more relaxed and stress free when being in a greener environment in return making them happier. Having indoor plants in a work office as shown that people are more productive, and moral is higher.
Psychological benefits:
- An improved mood
- Reduces stress levels
- Increased worker productivity
- Increased speed of reaction in computer tasks
- Improved attention span
- Increased pain tolerance (used in hospital settings)
Physical benefits:
- Better indoor air quality through the removal of airborne pollutants
- Reduced blood pressure
- Reduced fatigue and headaches by 20-30% in one study
- Patients in hospital rooms with plants reported decreased post-operative pain
With all these benefits why wouldn’t you want to have indoor plants in your home and work place. The great part is that most indoor plants are low maintenance, so they are easy to take care of.
Here are 3 great indoor plants we think are a must have in your home and on your desk at work.
Aloe Vera
- Purifies the air of formaldehyde and benzene
- Leaves are full of vitamins and naturally anti-bacterial
- Helps improve dry skin conditions such as eczema
- Improves air quality by absorbing excessive amounts of carbon monoxide
- Releases oxygen at night allowing you to breath better which helps you sleep
- Increased productivity
- Removes mould spores from the air
- Combats harmful household chemicals including Benzene
- Improves the indoor air quality by as much as 60%
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